Nowadays, credit cards have become extremely popular as it allows an individual to pay for goods and services using the credit available against a Credit Card Offers. The amount used as credit is paid back the credit card issuer on a later that, if not then it will attract some sort of penalty charges. We have a plethora of credit cards available today across categories like travel, dining, movies, lifestyle etc. No card is good or bad, it depends on the lifestyle you own and the type of credit card you want. For example, the person who loves shopping would like to own a credit card which offers attractive discount and cash back offers while doing online shopping. And, if you are an avid traveller, then you would be looking for a travel credit card to maximize benefits on hotel and travel booking using your credit card. Let’s have a look at some of the best credit cards which you can apply for along with its benefits.
1) For shopping: SBI’s Yatra card and SimplyCLICK SBI Card is best for those who love doing online shopping.
2) Citibank’s Indian Oil Platinum Credit Card: If you are a frequent traveller and want to save maximum on fuel purchase, then you can opt for this card to save your money across Indian Oil outlets.
3) HDFC’s MoneyBack Credit Card: This card is best suited for those who love to earn attractive reward and cash back points while doing online shopping which you can redeem them later on when you shop.
READ MORE: Which Credit Card Is Best For You And Why
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